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Welcome to Stokes Podiatry

Our Services

Helping You Feel Good


Corns & Callus

Can be very debilitating, the longer you leave them the more painful they can become. Avoid CORN plasters (cheap but don't work) and come see your podiatrist for professional care. We offer debridement of corns and callus. Education and advice on how to manage and prevent corns and callus.


Ingrown Toenails

A very common and painful problem, see your podiatrist to discuss the best treatment options for you! Conservative and Surgical removal of ingrown nails can be discussed at your appointment.


Diabetes Management

Knowledge is power, when it comes to Diabetes its better to know what you are looking for and how to avoid any foot problems. Best to see your podiatrist to have your full diabetes check-up and know where your feet stand.

Image by Ian MacDonald

Mobile Podiatry

If you can't come to us, then we can come to you. If you aren't driving anymore, or recently had surgery or can't leave your house for medical reasons then we can come to you.


Wart Treatment & Surgical Removal

Not sure if it is a corn or a wart, come see your podiatrist for a correct diagnosis and a treatment plan.

Conservative and Surgical options can be discussed at your appointment.


Foot & Ankle Pain

Sharp pain, struggle to walk in the morning, stops you from exercise and everything you try does not help...Then come see your podiatrist for help. Bring your shoes to the appointment so we can assess your footwear.


Fungal Nail Treatment

Hiding your nails under polish or closed shoes? Hate your nails but not sure what to do? Tried various treatments but nothing has worked? Come see your podiatrist and we can discuss treatment options and choose the best one for you!

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